The Lope: Joplin, Missouri - post-tornado Christmas Eve Mass schedule

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Joplin, Missouri - post-tornado Christmas Eve Mass schedule

With the destruction of St Mary's Church this past year, Christmas Eve Mass in the remaining Catholic church (St Peter's, above) may be a bit crowded.

St Mary's was destroyed in the May 22, 2011, tornado, but its huge cross survived, becoming iconic in the days following the disaster:

I called St Peter's at 417 623-8643 and got the schedule: 4pm - (no details listed); 6pm - hosted by St Peter's Father J. Friedel; 10pm - hosted by St Mary's Father Justin Monaghan; Midnight - hosted by St Peter's Rev. J. Friedel. The message says all are welcome at any service. Here's my post from last year.

I don't consider myself religious, but I'll go yet again. It's a link to departed family members and a cultural connection, with all the historic darkness and light mixed in. My favorite part is when everyone sings Christmas carols in this huge stone church.


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