The Lope: What Happened to Autumn?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Happened to Autumn?

Though Autumn's colors are giving way to the incandescence of Christmas lights, one must pay proper homage. Here are some photos from the last couple years.

The lawn sculpture above is in the Houston Whiteside District of Hutchinson, Kansas, and is most certainly based on the Bird Girl statue by sculptor Sylvia Shaw Judson as seen on the cover of the book, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Though not designed as a tombstone, one copy of Judson's Bird Girl was used by a Savannah, Georgia, family as a plot decoration in Bonaventure Cemetery and has been associated with the cemetery ever since. The red leaves behind belong to a burning bush.

A yellow poplar tree contrasts a blue sky in South Hutchinson, Kansas.

This past Thanksgiving I photographed this maple tree in my mom's front yard through her dining room window in Joplin, Missouri. Some views of it during an other Autumn and two ice storms can be seen here.

As Fall began, a trickle of red leaves fell into the clover of Union Cemetery in Kansas City. (another photo)

Every Fall, dragonflies invade my sweet corn patch. This day, there was one atop almost all of the 30 or so drying stalks. They are somewhat territorial. See how this one reacts by "posturing" when a rival approaches:

A drive along K-61 north of Hutchinson sometimes yields a good sunset.

Grace Christian Church‎ in Hutchinson has some nice maples out front.

The rest of these photos were taken at Hutchinson's Dillon Nature Center. This bronze eagle statue stands outside the visitors center. (the whole statue)

Similar photos are here, ">here, here, here, here, here, and here.

This one kind of reminded me of fire through the trees.

Several bald cypress surround the upper pond. Similar photos are here, here and here.

The green head of a mallard contrasts the orange.

Fishing is allowed in the upper pond.

A bronze statue boy pokes a stick into the leaves.

One of my favorite tree trunks grows among the lingering green.

Bronze geese are frozen in flight across the upper pond. (another goose sculpture)

Some Autumns past:

2005's Welcome, October

2005's In Reverence to Autumn

2005's Autumnal Twilight on Route 66

2005's Last Leaves of Autumn

2006's October

2006's Fall Cleaning

2007's Autumnal Bits of Route 66

2007's Fall Cleaning 2007.


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