The Lope: Hutchinson, KS, Ice Storm, Dec 10, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hutchinson, KS, Ice Storm, Dec 10, 2007

This may well be a growing post to which I add as I am able to take more pictures. I'm trying to get something posted during periods when I have power. Stay Tuned.

This is the same storm system that afflicted north parts of Oklahoma, Southeast Kansas and Southeast Missouri, including Joplin, with an ice storm earlier today. These houses are in the north side of the 600 block of East Avenue A in Hutchinson, KS. This was 10:15 PM, December 10, 2007.

Same block, different house. I chose these houses because they had Christmas lights, hence, back lighting for the ice.

Wanna hear a branch crack and fall off a tree? There is no picture, as the sensitivity of my camera in video mode is not sufficient, but you can sure hear the noise. I could hear it starting to go, and see it sagging more and more as I was waiting for the camera to finish processing the shot of the second house above. As soon as it did so, I switched the camera to video as fast as I could and swivelled on the tripod to the tree. Right as I shot this, it started raining much harder so I sought shelter for the camera for awhile. It was 10:16 PM.

One of Hutchinson's downtown Christmas decorations, on the West side of Main Street, just north of Avenue A, is seen from Avenue A Park at 2:06 AM.

The star on the back of Memorial Hall lords over Avenue A Park at 2:20 AM.

Looking south down the west side of Main Street at 2:15 AM.

Power crews were working all over the place, of course. 2:45 am

The gifts of the Magi did not include this. This is the nativity at Trinity Lutheran Church at 17th and Main Streets. 3:04 AM

The streets were wet, but not icy at 3:05 AM.

Multiple branches were down on every block. Not a minute passed that I didn't hear one crashing somewhere. This is the view looking south down Main Street from about 15th at 3:07 AM.

Looking south down Main Street from about 4th and Main at 3:16 AM

4th and Main streets at 3:17 AM

The Amtrak glides alongside frozen power lines at 3:28 AM, as seen from the K-61 bridge.

Virtually everything was now an armature for ice. 3:36 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful, yet sad, pictures of good ole' Hutch. The one looking south on the west side of main looks like a professional painting! Thanks for sharing!!

Fri Dec 14, 10:12:00 AM  
Blogger Ace Jackalope said...

Yes; it's an escape tower. As to which capsule, go back and read the text accompanying the photo. Of course, there are only three American options.

Fri Dec 14, 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These were absolutely breathtaking. You are a brave man to be out in the cold in order to capture this beauty.

Sun Dec 16, 01:00:00 PM  

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